Tower with Tobias Günther
February 6, 2018
Edward talks with Tobias Günther about Tower, a popular and powerful Git GUI client for Mac and Windows. They discuss building native apps for cross-platform development, learning Git, the philosophy of development, bootstrapping a company and the value of independence.
Tobias Günther is the founder and CEO of "Tower", the popular Git desktop client for Mac and Windows. Today, Tower is used by many of the world's best software teams - and in total by almost 100,000 customers all over the world.
Show Notes
- Remembering Shawn Pearce, by Jeff King.
- Shawn Pearce Memorial Fund, a fundraiser by Sara Pearce to benefit their children.
- Tower
- Twitter: @gittower
- Learn Git platform: eBooks, video courses, and cheat sheets for learning git
- Tower Store, including t-shirts, mugs and posters.
- Developer Manifesto, a thoughtful poster from the Tower team
- Development Philosophy: architecture, design patterns and programming principles used by the Tower team
- Charitable Giving: fournova, the company behind Tower, gives 10% of their profits to charity.