All Things Git

Episode Archives

New episodes arrive every two weeks.

Learning a New Codebase with Patricia Aas

November 20, 2018

Edward talks to Patricia Aas, a veteran C++ developer, about how read a brand new codebase, understand it, and how to get started contributing to it.

Posh Git with Keith Dahlby

September 4, 2018

Edward talks to Keith Dahlby, the creator and maintainer of posh-git, about tech conferences, what it's like to be a Microsoft MVP, and PowerShell versus unix shells.

Software Freedom Conservancy with Bradley Kuhn and Karen Sandler

August 21, 2018

Edward talks to Bradley Kuhn and Karen Sandler, the co-founders of the Software Freedom Conservancy, a non-profit that supports free and open source software projects, including git.

Working Copy with Anders Borum

August 7, 2018

Edward is joined by Anders Borum, the developer behind Working Copy, a Git client for iOS.

Branching and Merging (Part 2)

July 3, 2018

Edward and Martin keep talking about branching and merging, including how some of the other code integration commands work - including rebase, cherry-pick, and revert. Part two of two.

Branching and Merging (Part 1)

June 12, 2018

Edward and Martin get caught up after the security release earlier this month and talk branching and merging, including how Git actually stores branches and does merging. Part one of two.

Git Security with Etienne Stalmans

June 2, 2018

Edward and Martin discuss the recent security vulnerability in Git - CVE 2018-11235. They talk to Etienne Stalmans, the security researcher who discovered it, and discuss what happens in the Git security community after a vulnerability is reported.

The History of VC with Eric Sink

May 15, 2018

Edward and Martin talk with their old boss Eric Sink about the history of version control as he's seen it - and helped create it.

Git and GitHub for Students with Joe Nash

April 17, 2018

Edward and Martin talk with Joe Nash about using Git in education, self-diagnosed OCD around capitalization, and using pull requests in non-development workflows.

Don't Ignore the Fundamentals

April 3, 2018

Edward and Martin talk about the fundamentals that you need in your Git repository like a proper .gitignore to keep your repository clean and setting line endings with your .gitattributes file.

Git for Mobile Development with James Montemagno

March 14, 2018

Edward talks with James Montemagno about getting started using Git, being one of the top 5 C# developers on GitHub (with 3000 followers!), centralized version control systems before Git and building CI/CD pipelines around Git.

Git for Windows with Johannes Schindelin

February 20, 2018

Edward and Martin talk to Johannes Schindelin about Git for Windows. They discuss the challenges of porting a collection of Unix tools to Windows, maintaining a fork, make some turn of the century jokes about vi vs emacs, and encourage you to stop saying "msysgit".

Tower with Tobias Günther

February 6, 2018

Edward talks with Tobias Günther about Tower, a popular and powerful Git GUI client for Mac and Windows. They discuss building native apps for cross-platform development, learning Git, the philosophy of development, bootstrapping a company and the value of independence.

Teaching Git with Johan Abildskov

January 23, 2018

Edward talks with Johan Abildskov about how he teaches Git to professional developers and university students, using Git in continuous delivery workflows and whether we should be more opinionated about Git usage.

GitKraken with Hamid Shojaee

December 20, 2017

Edward talks with Hamid Shojaee about GitKraken, the popular Git client. They discuss GitKraken's origins as a "30 day project", developer productivity, and building developer tools that are easy to use and likeable.

Git Sprint Weekend by Bloomberg

December 7, 2017

Edward talks to some of the participants of the Git Sprint Weekend, a hackathon hosted by Bloomberg to bring people into working on the git and libgit2 open source projects. He talks with the organizers, mentors and the hackers fixing bugs and adding new features over the weekend.

GitHub Universe 2017

November 21, 2017

Sara Ford sits in for Martin and she catches Edward up on everything he missed at GitHub Universe 2017. They discuss wildfires, conferences, the "Wisdom of Crowds", robots, and the sessions at GitHub Universe.

Learning Git and Human Factors with Sara Ford

November 7, 2017

Martin and Edward talk to Sara Ford about getting started using Git with Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code, using Git on Windows, and best practices getting set up on the command line. They wade into a discussion of

git merge --squash
git rebase --interactive
, and Sara explains human factors in software development and prescriptive and descriptive software design.

Git for Teams with Emma Jane Hogbin Westby

October 24, 2017

Martin and Edward talk with Emma Jane Hogbin Westby about her book, Git for Teams, about using Git to successfully collaborate with team members and how to teach people to use version control. In this episode, they also discuss humanizing software development and making Git more friendly to beginners.

GitHub Desktop with Brendan Forster

October 10, 2017

Martin and Edward talk with Brendan Forster about the new and rewritten GitHub Desktop, avoiding the second-system syndrome and building cross-platform Electron apps.